Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Part 3: The First Miracle

For those who go looking for miracles will surely find them. Hebrews 2:4 While God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. I got a taste of all God has promised.
I needed to check on my job applications, and as of right now, I have 15 out. I had less than 100 dollars and a little more than a quarter of a tank. That money that I had needed to be for rent. But I had to check those applications. I said a little prayer before I leave, just to make sure my car didn't die on me while I checked on perspective jobs.
The needle is just above a quarter tank when I start. I get to my first destination, check in. My needle has moved exactly over the 1/4 line. I say another prayer for provision and for God to take control of my worries about running out of gas. I get to my second destination, check in, get back to the car, start the semi-truck sounding ingnition, and my needle is back up to it's orginal starting-point. Yeah, back up above the quarter tank line! I went to my next three destinations and this continued to happen until I returned home after checking in at all of the destinations. I never got below a quarter of a tank of gas!
I even went out and ran more errands later that night and it still did not drop! AMAZING! =)
I know my meter isn't broken. And if I need gas in the future, I am fine with that. But for the day, God provided for me and He cares, Even about my gas tank. I am blessed.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Part 2: Reuniting

Showing up an hour early to church was to ensure we had good seats. It was quiet in the sanctuary for about 45 minutes. Just me and Mak and the band. We just sat there singing along and writing in our journals. I didn't know all that God had planned, but I wasn't about to keep Him from what He wanted to do, not just with me, but in the church. Worship. My goodness, singing to God and raising your arms to Him in complete surrender is something I will do daily. The greatest thing I took from Sunday night was a story that a man told about his 14 month old baby wanting to get from his lap into her stoller on her own. He realized something and said," If your Daddy wasnt here while you were taking this risk, it wouldnt be possible." So amazing and profound and truly spoke to me. If I know my Daddy is right there with me, will I be more willing to take the risk. Could I even be oblivious to the fact that its a risk at all, if my Daddy is with me? I am willing to risk it all for my God and the expansion of His Kingdom!
We began to pray over the people from other countries. A woman next to me was from Jordan, the people in front, from Switzerland. We began to pray authority and power and a great knowledge of Gods will in their lives, and the man from Switzerland was given a revelation and had a divine visitation falling to the floor and groaning. The group praying for him all began to pray deeper into the spirit for him. But I began to realize that there was two different things being prayed for. One half of the group was praying out of fear for deliverence, mind you this man was being changed, and the other out of the knowledge from the spirit that this man was recieving an increase in gifting and spiritual knowledge. So there were two prayers being prayed over this man. I stood, hands on him praying for an increase, letting God do His work. I've found that often times what looks like demonic is just spiritual and if we don't have good maturity and knowledge of the spiritual realm we act more from the flesh than the spirit. I've found asking is the best result. Take a moment, ask the Spirit what He's doing and He'll more than likely tell you for certain all that He is doing. If He doesn't tell you, He'll show you.
Gods plans a great, and he breathes dreams into us, whether in be through divine visitations or just desires in our hearts. He will see us through and we just have to be willing to take risks--never alone. Be Blessed. It's a season for our dreams to come true.

Part 1: The Arrival

After a rather painful drive down through the mountains in my 20 year old car that probably should have gotten some attention before I left, as it continued up a incline going a measly 35 miles an hour we arrived. A small carivan of only two cars, bedless because we forgot to measure the bed and the truck with its canopy, The three of us, so hot and sweaty we practically stuck to our seats got out to the most beauitful house I had ever seen. It was mine. The feeling most exhilerating. Hilarity struck as I saw one of my roommates hanging from an attic vent. He yelled to me, " Hey, what's up?" I looked to him and said, "besides you? Nothing much." The small bantor made me laugh and he had explained to me that there was a cat that was stuck in the walls for nearly two hours meowing at the mates already living there. And somehow it had managed to get into the walls, so he was up there trying to rescue it. I shrugged, laughed, and walked inside the house to get some water. I walked into the house savoring everything. This was my house, I was blessed enough to recieve it through Gods grace and amazing love! I walked over to my room, which already had a queen matress and layed on the bed with the two friends that had come with me and rested a full five minutes before unloading my things. Sometimes God gives us the dreams we are brave enough to dream, and then when we realize we have accomplished all that we have asked for we are overcome with joy and perhaps uncertainty of what to do next. I will live and walk by faith, not by what I see around me. I will and cannot fail, because my God is with me. This house is just a taste of all that God has in store for me. I was given a chance to dream as big as I wanted too and God is blessing each and every part of that dream! This is amazing! There is more to come... Praise be to Our God most High!!